have you ever had this nagging feeling of what to cook whenever a festive season is around the corner? what mood do i want to create? i want it to be different but not too overwhelming for my guests....who am i inviting? what is the occasion? are they adults or children? big eaters or mousy eaters? well there is room for everyone... read on.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas Dinner for Six

I usually don't get to do a comfy cosy sit down dinner during festive seasons but this is a very unusual occassion. Someone did not manage to defrost 14 XXL size prawns for the Christmas day BBQ which actually turned out to be a wonderful blessing for tonite's six!
Such large prawns deserve to be eaten at its fullest of flavour which happens to be grilled and seasoned with sprinkles of sea salt. In this case, I just grilled them on my pan-grill which saved a lot of time. If you want them to look stiff and straight, just soak some fine bamboo sticks (or satay sticks) in some water for 1 hour and poke it through the prawn from the rear and out of the head before leaving it to grill. As I said, I wanted a quick, without hassle type of sit-down dinner, so no fancy stuff. Just leave them on the pan-grill for about 2 minutes each side. When almost done, sprinkle sea salt on them and serve on a platter. That's the main dish!

Appetiser was stuffed portobello mushrooms, grilled in the oven for 10 minutes at 170 degree celsius. Easy to make and delicious to gobble.... Just use a small vegetable brush or a new toothbrush to brush away the dirt on the mushrooms. Cut off the stem slightly and place them with the stem facing up (like a shallow bowl). Fill the mushroom with finely diced yellow capsicum, zucchini, tomatoes, bacon or ham and topped with some shreaded cheddar and mozzarella cheese. Sprinkle with a little sea salt, a good drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and pop them in the oven and before you know it, it's ready! Note : Do not rinse portobello mushrooms, it will spoil the taste.

Brussel Sprouts seems to be great idea for tonite's meal, maybe the fibre will scrap down all the cholesterol in the prawns. Wishful thinking. Trim off the bottom part of the stem. Blanche the sprouts and leave aside. Heat a pan, drizzle some grapeseed oil and saute some bacon chips or in this case some chicken ham. Put all the sprouts into the pan and saute for a good 2 minutes, season with sea salt and a dash of white wine.

As for the carbo, an interesting nutty flavoured bread and butter pudding seem appropriate. First, slice one and half sticks of french loaf and arrange them slightly slanted on a oven proof dish. Butter in between slices and throw in some hazelnuts and baby almond (raisins optional). In a litre jug, crack 4 farm fresh eggs, a can of evaporated milk and 250ml fresh milk. Stir mixture together and pour onto the bread slices gently, making sure liquid is pour over every slice of bread. Pop it into the oven marked 160 degree celsius for 15 minutes then sprinkle some demerara sugar over the pudding and drizzle 2 scoops of brandy over it. Pop it back into the oven for another 5 minutes. Cover with aluminium foil if your pudding starts to brown too much. Take out from the oven and sprinkle another tablespoon of sugar and 1 more scoop of brandy. Pudding ready to be served. Note : this pudding has a crispy top layer unlike some other soft spongy bread pudding.

As for dessert, the wonderful christmas cupcake was served. Will post later!


  • can squeeze in 1 more to make it an aspicious 7 ah ?

    Cheers & happy new year to(the almost missing)supercook

  • oh gosh, makes me think i miss out greatly on christmas dinner! yours look great!merry christmas and a happy new year

  • Hi audrey, thx for dropping by !! :))) I've been a great silent fan of u for a while. RM would know how much I like your blog :) So, thx to you for all your great wonderful recipes, need tt to inspire me to keep my blog rolling hehe :) Cheers & happy new year to you :)

    anyways, scrumtious meal you got there, audrey cooks :)
    p/s: can I put u on my "close to home food buds "?

    Sincerely, Shirley

  • Hi Tonixe, I am back!

    Rachel, Thanks and keep those wonderful food post coming!

    Shirley, thanks so much for those wonderful opinions... I always believe doing what I like best will yield the best results. Put me anyway u like gal!

  • My turn to bloghop from MeltingWok's site. Got to know about your blog from hers. I like the way you grilled the prawns with the shells on and yet deveined. Keeps the juices in and looks pretty!
    Do drop by my food blog when you have time. Happy New Year to you!

  • I hopped over from MeltingWok and had browsed a few of your Chinese/Asian recipes. Looks like I can get some tips from you! I will definitely be back!

  • wow, where did you get such verdant brussel sprouts from? i love brussel sprouts.

  • FBB, from Cold Storage Ikano ... they had such fresh ones that day and only going for RM11 a packet. between u and me ... try not to serve them in fine dining. A few flew off the table while my guests tried poking and slicing them ... he he he.

  • Hi there...first time visiting your blog and i love it! Can't help myself from commenting, your prawn dish look so mouth-watering. Slurpz!


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