A Regular Home-cooked Chinese Meal (con't)
Sometimes, blogspot gives me strange problems. I posted my earlier draft post and went for a break and found out that it refuse to let me continue downloading photos for this 3rd dish. Besides that, my numbering goes wild. I wander if you guys out there come across the same problem? Ah! just bear with it a little while longer, Audrey.

Stir-fry Scallops with Baby Kai Lan
1 packet of fresh scallops (600 gms, rinsed and pat dry), 1 bunch of baby kai lan (rinsed and leaves plucked), 3 Tbsp oyster sauce, 2 cloves garlic (chopped), olive oil, black pepper.
- Pre-blanche baby kai lan and arrange on the serving plate.
- Heat wok and drizzle with olive oil.
- In goes chopped garlic, oyster sauce and scallops. Fry till scallops turns a little burnt at the sides would be good.
- Add a little hot water and simmer for 5 minutes. Pour onto the bed of kai lan.
- A little black pepper over it and serve.

At 11/09/2006 01:53:00 AM,
Rasa Malaysia said…
Are those scallops frozen? They look big and succulent. I love scallops too...your dish just inspired me to cook my snow peas with scallops. Stay tuned. ;)
At 11/09/2006 02:11:00 PM,
backStreetGluttons said…
I can taste your mouthwatering meals ( ah.. if only that was true ...)
( maybe some day...soon... )
At 11/09/2006 09:29:00 PM,
Audrey Cooks said…
Bee Yinn, i think they were vacumn packed, got them from my regular mobile market right at my doorstep.
Tonixe, no matter how simple a home-cooked meal is, it is always more nutritious than backstreet delicacies. Come on lah! try lah some home cooking :D
At 11/16/2006 09:09:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
i love how your photos make everything looks so simple, fresh and tasty.
I would love to bite into one of those scallops!
At 11/17/2006 03:00:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I've seen every one of your sites pages and I think you are simply brilliant! Thank you for always giving me cooking ideas and inspirations. One of my fav sites on my bookmarks.
At 11/18/2006 08:21:00 AM,
tigerfish said…
This looks really delicious! I hope I can find fresh scallops on the cheap in the Bay Area.
At 11/18/2006 04:17:00 PM,
Audrey Cooks said…
Hi girl! thanks for your kind comments.
PJ! thanks for dropping by! great to hear I am giving u inspiration to cook. Love to share some cooking joy around!
Best of luck Tigerfish, nothing beats fresh scallops. I know Australia has plenty of those! I wish I stay there!
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