have you ever had this nagging feeling of what to cook whenever a festive season is around the corner? what mood do i want to create? i want it to be different but not too overwhelming for my guests....who am i inviting? what is the occasion? are they adults or children? big eaters or mousy eaters? well there is room for everyone... read on.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A Regular Home-cooked Chinese Meal (con't)

Sometimes, blogspot gives me strange problems. I posted my earlier draft post and went for a break and found out that it refuse to let me continue downloading photos for this 3rd dish. Besides that, my numbering goes wild. I wander if you guys out there come across the same problem? Ah! just bear with it a little while longer, Audrey.

Stir-fry Scallops with Baby Kai Lan

1 packet of fresh scallops (600 gms, rinsed and pat dry), 1 bunch of baby kai lan (rinsed and leaves plucked), 3 Tbsp oyster sauce, 2 cloves garlic (chopped), olive oil, black pepper.

  1. Pre-blanche baby kai lan and arrange on the serving plate.
  2. Heat wok and drizzle with olive oil.
  3. In goes chopped garlic, oyster sauce and scallops. Fry till scallops turns a little burnt at the sides would be good.
  4. Add a little hot water and simmer for 5 minutes. Pour onto the bed of kai lan.
  5. A little black pepper over it and serve.


  • Are those scallops frozen? They look big and succulent. I love scallops too...your dish just inspired me to cook my snow peas with scallops. Stay tuned. ;)

  • I can taste your mouthwatering meals ( ah.. if only that was true ...)

    ( maybe some day...soon... )

  • Bee Yinn, i think they were vacumn packed, got them from my regular mobile market right at my doorstep.

    Tonixe, no matter how simple a home-cooked meal is, it is always more nutritious than backstreet delicacies. Come on lah! try lah some home cooking :D

  • i love how your photos make everything looks so simple, fresh and tasty.

    I would love to bite into one of those scallops!

  • I've seen every one of your sites pages and I think you are simply brilliant! Thank you for always giving me cooking ideas and inspirations. One of my fav sites on my bookmarks.

  • This looks really delicious! I hope I can find fresh scallops on the cheap in the Bay Area.

  • Hi girl! thanks for your kind comments.

    PJ! thanks for dropping by! great to hear I am giving u inspiration to cook. Love to share some cooking joy around!

    Best of luck Tigerfish, nothing beats fresh scallops. I know Australia has plenty of those! I wish I stay there!


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