Nutritious Roots Soup?

My first selection for this nutritional soup is a tuber called arrowroot (fun koat in Cantonese). Originated from Central America, is occassionally eaten as a vegetable in Japan and China. Arrrowroot looks slightly like a long tapioca with a fresh and pleasant aroma and texture. This tuber is known to relieve acidity, stomach cramps and indigestion.
Paired with the lotus roots (ling ngaw in Cantonese) made famous by the chinese, transforms this soup into a treasured delicacy for a soup friendly home. The lotus root consists of a number of linked segments approx. 10 - 20 cm in length each. When sliced, the crisp flesh reveals a series of hollow chambers and not to mention this root has appreciable amounts of vitamin C and some level of calcium.
Peanuts, often known as groundnuts (faa tzang in Cantonese) in Asia, also comes from roots. They are actually nodules which form on the roots of a bushy leguminous plant. It is rich in calcium, thiamine, carbohydrates, phosphorus and niacin. Besides all the underground goodies, some chinese herbs like boxthorn fruit (kei chee) and red dates (hoong choe) are added for more nutritional values.
3 litres of filtered water
1 arrowroot (10 inches long), peeled and cut into chunks.
1 lotus root (aprox. 3 short segments), sliced.
1 handful of skinless groundnuts
1 handful of seeded red dates (washed under filtered water)
1 handful of boxthorn fruit (washed under filtered water)
1 chicken breast (washed and cut into 2)
Bring water to boil in a soup pot and put in all the ingredients above. Bring to boil for 10 minutes and transfer to a heated slow-cooker and set timer for 3 1/2 hours. Sea salt to taste.

At 7/18/2006 02:57:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
nice soup dear audrey. i normally don't hv craving for soup but whenever i visit your blog, the craving will start to "dwell" in me lol. i love lotus root soup too. in fact i like mine with lots of dried cuttlefish & dried scallop added. makes the soup more flavorful :)
At 7/18/2006 04:46:00 PM,
Audrey Cooks said…'s indeed lovely with those dried yummies, evan.
At 7/20/2006 11:12:00 PM,
boo_licious said…
Yeah, just like evan I am now craving for some soup even though it's really hot tnite.
At 7/21/2006 04:50:00 PM,
Audrey Cooks said…
u gals make me happy to hv been able to ignite some of your cravings. Soup has always been a wholesome dish.
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