have you ever had this nagging feeling of what to cook whenever a festive season is around the corner? what mood do i want to create? i want it to be different but not too overwhelming for my guests....who am i inviting? what is the occasion? are they adults or children? big eaters or mousy eaters? well there is room for everyone... read on.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Leftover Lamb

Long live the leftovers!

I always look forward to leftovers especially from tasty roasts with bones. This time was my roast leg of lamb which was my main course to usher in Germany's 3rd placing in the world cup. So thrilled with it, I carved off almost all the juicy succulent meat for this morning's lamb sandwich which left me more than overjoyed and fulfilled! Just assemble the bread, the warmed-up lamb slices and crispy curly vegetable. Drizzle some leftover gravy on the meat and serve with a hot cup of coffee.

Oh yes, please don't forget the bones and the knuckles with some meat still stuck to it. This makes a very robust pot of lamb soup. Put 2 litres of filtered water in a soup pot, bring to boil. The put in all the the lamb bones, 1 large carrot, 2 sticks of celery, 3 potatoes, 1 large onion, 2 small corn (optional), some crushed black peppercorns and a bouquet garni of soup herbs. All vegetables cut into small chunks. Simmer for 1 1/2 hours. Add sea salt to taste.

* A bouquet garni consists of cloves, cardamon, coriander, aniseed, star anise, cinnamon stick and peppercorns tied up in a small piece of muslin cloth and secured with a thread.


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