Scrumptious Pearl Corns
Ever got addicted to corns? I just did. Saw these little delectable babies in a grocery store last week and thought I give them a try since they look so beautiful with their plum kernels of white and yellow bursting out at me. Even their silky threads were almost silver in color and glowing in the light. They are slightly larger and bigger in diameter compared to the normal pure yellow corns. These babies cost me RM3.50 each but I must say "They were worth every single cent!" In fact, I am now constantly looking out for them whenever I visit the grocery store.
Since this was my first encounter with 'Pearl Corns' otherwise known as "Chun Chee Pow Sook", I steamed them so that I could taste its pure unadulterated flavour. No added salt or butter or anything else, just pure natural sweetness. Juicy kernels popping with every single bite, just like the saying goes "pops in your mouth".
To steam the Pearl Corns, peel corns off the husks and discard the chucky stem. Bring some water to boil in the steamer. At boiling point, place corns in the steamer above the boiling water. Cover and steam for approximately 5 - 7 minutes. Off the heat and leave the corns to cool.
Word of caution : There's no turning back after one bite into these scrumptious pearlies.

At 8/16/2006 10:22:00 PM,
rokh said…
i remember having this kinda corn before, mine were from cameron highlands! yumm! much better than the ordinary corns
At 8/17/2006 04:01:00 PM,
Babe_KL said…
have u try eating them raw? its sweet and crunchy
At 8/18/2006 08:22:00 PM,
FooDcrazEE said…
hmmm...nice pearly picture....babe, it depends on type of corns I guess.
At 8/19/2006 12:33:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
nice looking corns audrey. they look like pearlies =) but eating them raw?? they're so soo...milky and hv this grassy taste. can meh?
At 8/20/2006 01:10:00 PM,
Audrey Cooks said…
Rachel...must have been so fresh and appetizing.
Babe, yea someone told me that before too, eating raw but never tried it before. Must remember to sink my teeth in it before cooking it the next time.
Mike ...they looks so unreal.
Evan, maybe ppl should rename them "Beverly Hills Corns"
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